Monday, 11 October 2010

Contents of the College Magazine

Some of the contents within my college magazine will include: interviews with current sports achievers, aspiring sports students, and sport leaders and teachers. At the back of the magazine there would be a growing list of all the sporting results that have been achieved over the year so far. There would also be an exclusive on a member of sports staff or a well known sports student. There would be a news article that described all the recent events the sports students and teachers have taken part in; in and out of college. Also there would be a regular page into which people can write letters or ask questions. These contents have been influenced by the results of my questionnaire.
When I asked some sports students my questionnaire, all wrote that they would like to progress into sports careers in the future. I think interviews with teachers and other sports students would be relevant to the magazine as the students can get more information about their teacher’s careers and how they got to that stage. Also, interviews with students who don’t currently do sports as a main subject, or don’t do sports at all but are aspiring to take it, could be interesting as the current sports students could write into the magazine or talk to the student directly to help or offer advice.
More than half of the students that filled in my questionnaire suggested that either ‘Status’, ‘Success’, or ‘Respect’, or a combination of these were their main priorities. This suggests that they could be Achievers, and so the list of sporting results would be the achievements and nothing else- no commentary just a list. This would make it short and snappy and also is of interest to Achievers as it is a success page.
All of the sports students said that Sport was one of their main hobbies, which suggested that they don’t just do the subject because they have to, or because they are just good at it, but because of the actual love of it. A news article and an exclusive would be interesting as it involves their main hobby of sport and gives them information as to what everyone in college has been doing in the world of sport.

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