Thursday 7 October 2010

Results of the Questionnaire

My results are stated in this post. I felt that this subject was very representative of my target market, and that is why I chose to speak to him in depth.
For social group, my subject suggested that they were a ‘popular kid’, this suggests that they conform to what is widely known as fashionable- music and clothing taste alike, they often bring their own twist and something unique to their friendship group. They are outgoing.
The gender was male which suggests in the group they are often dominant in the conversations.
For politics, he stated ‘Labour until I die’; this shows a strong support, and strong beliefs. He is not swayed by other people’s opinion. The questions so far are starting to suggest that he is not in the ‘Socially Conscious Type B’ category in psychographic profiles, as this group are stated to have given up on society, and as he has a strong belief in the Labour party, and believes in society.
He is religious, stating in his next answer that he is ‘A Christian, believe in God’. This gives an insight into his background and covers one of the subjectivities.
His hobbies are stated to be ‘Football, Music, Golf’. Because he suggests that an interest he has is music, he could be a good candidate for a consumer of my magazine, and therefore his other answers could show that similar kinds of people to him would be potential consumers as well.
He suggests that his location (‘Saltburn’) does not have an influence on his media consumption. This suggests that media is more nationally or internationally consumed, rather than being specific to an area.
He circled ‘Success’ and ‘Respect’ as his biggest priorities and therefore is likely to be an Achiever as he prefers to excel rather than belong in a group. Often in friendship groups each person tends to be similar and in this case other people agreed with his choice. This suggests that if my magazine was aimed at this friendship group, a lot about future success and future prospects would be a popular read, rather than articles about friendships or being part of a group.
His parents both have high flying careers and he aspires to be an RAF Pilot. Having strong career decisions already made suggest his planning and that he is success driven, also putting him into the group of the achievers.
He states that (N), he is not brand loyal and therefore is not a Belonger.
He buys actual designer makes and not the fakes, he is not an Emulator, once again puts him into the group of the Achievers.
He did not state an answer for the final question, as he said ‘It depends’, and so this shows that I should research further into the question, and perhaps make it more detailed or re-write it altogether.
I conclude that my subject and his group of friends are mainly Achievers, whose desires are further up in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and are strong believers in political party’s and the way the country is run.

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