Monday 4 October 2010

Reasons for Questionnaire

My reasons for each question are stated in this post. Age and gender questions are just to get basic, yet necessary information on the subject. However, discovering that our questionnaires are going to be used with only college students, the completed questionnaire will have the age question removed, as it is now irrelevant. Asking the question ‘Would you class yourself as being part of a social group?’ would reveal whether the subject conforms to a stereotype, a certain clothing sense, or a specific kind of music- this would drastically help my research into whether they would be interested in my magazine. Asking about politics is also looking into my audience subjectivities and categorises them a little further. Asking about religion covers subjectivities and also gives a hint as to their psychographic profile- Belongers tend to be religious, and this could give a hint to the subject being part of this profile. More questions that follow further in the questionnaire research further into their profile. Asking about hobbies and interests gives a general background to the subject and would suggest whether they even enjoy music enough to purchase a music magazine. Asking the subject their location fuels the following question: Do you believe that your location influences the media you choose to consume? If yes, why?’ This gives an insight into what the subject chooses to watch, listen to, and purchase, researching further into the possible success my magazine would have with this subject. Asking the question ‘Which would you say is the most important to you? (Circle) Status / Success / Respect / Belonging / Friends’ researches into Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and reveals what the subjects desires are, and also again looks into their psychographic profile- with status, success and respect hinting at them being an Achiever, and the others at them being a Belonger. Asking whether the subject ever produces their own media looks into the uses and gratifications theory and whether the subject is a prosumer or just a consumer. If they are a prosumer it suggests that the subject is not a part of the hypodermic theory. Asking about family income and careers reveals the subjects social grade, placing them into a grade of society. The final 3 questions work on revealing the subject’s psychographic profile, giving a deeper insight into the background of the subject.

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