Monday 4 October 2010

My Questionnaire.

What is your age? (Circle)
 Under 15 / 15-24 / 24-35 / 35-55 / 55+
Would you class yourself as being part of a social group? If so what would you describe yourself as?
What gender are you? (Circle)
M / F
Are you into politics? If so, which party do you support?
Would you class yourself as religious? Describe briefly your beliefs

Do you have any particular hobbies or interests? State what they are.
Where are you from?___________________
Do you believe that your location influences the media you choose to consume? If yes, why?
N / Y
Which would you say is the most important to you? (Circle)
Status / Success / Respect / Belonging / Friends
Do you produce any of your own media, as well as consuming it?
No / Youtube / Blogging / Home Movies / Other
If you don’t mind stating, what do your parents do for a living, and what do you aspire to do as a career?
When you buy products more than once, are you loyal to the brand (Y), or do you swap and change (N)?
Y / N
Do you often buy actual designer makes (Y), or tend to buy the fake, cheaper alternative (N)?
Y / N
Do you plan ahead (Y), or do things last minute on impulse (N)?
Y / N

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